
Passion Week

We are at the begining of "Passion Week."
Tell me in detail about the days we have already discussed.

What were the people shouting as Jesus entered Jerusalem?
What did he say to the people in the temple?
What did he do on Tuesday and Wenesday? Why do you think what he did on those two days was so important?
Tell me in detail what happened on Thursday?
How would you have felt to be Judas?


Palm Sunday

We are taking a close look at each day of Jesus' life on his last week on earth.
Today we looked at Palm Sunday- and his triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Give me a summary of this day.
Give me some details from the Gospels accounts of this day, what prophecy did it fulfill, and what did this entry tell you about Jesus? Why do you think Jesus had to enter in that way?
What were the people shouting as he entered?
What was the first thing Jesus did when he got into Jerusalem?


Messages to Todd!!

If you would like to thank Todd for his visit, or send him a sepcial message! Now is your chance!


How wonderful God is today!

The weather is slowly changing, the birds are slowing coming out, the grass is slowly emerging! The beauty of the changing seasons is slowly coming upon us! We just got finished talking about Magnetism in science class, God made the earth a huge magnet how cool! We noticed in math how all of the numbers line up, are in perfect order, and everything works out perfectly. We read about the human body, and how God made every organ, system, and muscle to work together perfectly. God has everything planned out before time, he knows what you are going to have for supper tonight! How cool!

Tell me what makes you in AWE of God today.......


Please write your best "Welcome Spring" letter! Tell Spring how much we wish it would come! :)