
Recycle city:http://www.epa.gov/recyclecity/mainmap.htm
Earth games:
Yesterday was EARTH DAY celebration day!!!! What did you learn about the earth yesterday?Tell me about WHY YOU SHOULD CARE?Tell me what things you can do to help God's earth!?Explain some of the changes you have or will make at home! How can you help others help out too!!??
I learned about recycleing, global warming,gas,warter,and pollion.Gas will run out.So will can not dive so much.Take sort shower.Shut everythink off when you leave a room.You can go pick up garbeg.
Earth Day is a day when we try to help the earth and clean it up to help us and all the generations after us to live in a cleaner world. We should care because we are the ones ruining God's world that he gave us. It's not just a few people ruining it it's every one of us!.
We can help God's earth by saving water and energy and by cleaning up litter we are helping the earth a lot. Just at home you can help save the earth from runing out of important resouces by recycling. You could also go around your niegborhood and clean up garbage.
To make a hudge difference you could get othor people to do it with you. just by asking people and telling them what is happening to the Earth and animals they might start helping save the Earth too!
Yesterday I learned about Earth Day. I learned what globo warming is doing to our planet and how terrible it is. You should care about the planet because if we keep litering and puloting soon
alot more animals will become excsticed. To help the cause you should take shorter showers, or take a bath to save water. Also you should use cloth bags instead of plastic bag, and those are just some of the things you can do to help our planet.
I brush my teeth without the water on,I turn the lights off when I'm not in the room,and take short showers. To help even more you can tell people to do these things in their lives.
I learned that on Earth day we should help our comutity and clean it up.
We should care about Earth day because God told us to take care of his world for him.
We can help the earth by recycling,and by not littering,and by cleaning up trash that are on the ground.
Some of the changes that I will make is turning off the lights when i come out of a room,and taking shorter showers,and cleaning up trash that are on the ground,and recycling more and using both sids of the paper.
I can have others help out too by asking them to go around the naghbor hood and pick up trash or to not litter or to recycle .
How can YOU help out the planit?
I learned that our earth is being pulluted and that were ruining God's creation. We should care because we all do a little bit to ruin and pullute our world. We should also care because if we don't we will die. We can take short showers . We can turn the water off when were brushing our teeth. We can recycle reuse reduce. (the three r's) We can also reuse water bottles, turn off the tv, turn off the lights, and unplug things. You can follow this but some people don't(i don't) if it's yellow let it mellow if it's brown flush it down. We are reusing water bottles turning things off when were not using them. We are reusing a lot of things. We can make others help by telling them that not one person can save the world but you can do something to help it if everyone does something we can save the world!!!!!!
I learened about how serious what we are doing to the planet and that we need to help the planet by reusing paper and recycling plastic and stirafoam. You should care because if you don't want your grand children to sufffur from whats happening you should help. When I brush my teeth I leave the water off so I don't waste water. I also use water bottles in stead of stirafoam cups. I also use up allthe room on my papr before I recycle it. To tell them about what is going to happen to our world.
I had fun yesturday because we pretty much did everything outside.I learned that everybody could help and that it would be pretty again.Everybody should care because God made it and he sent us so that we could take care of it.I could take shorter showers and I could turn off the tv and the lights when i'm NOT using them.I will make my showers shorter and to shut the lights off.I could tell them stop poluting,take shorter showers,turn off lights when your out of the room, don't litter,recycle cans,bottles,and don't forget the three R's reuse,recycle and i don't remember the last one.GO EARTH DAY!!!
Earth Day was awsome 1. because we got to skip out on alot of work 2. because we got to have prety much half hour more recess 3. because we were helping the earth. I learned that we need to help the earth otherwise bad things will happen. And if we keep on littering and paluling our earth it would not be prety. We can help the earth by 1.picking up litter
2. by wasting less energy 3. by using less water 4. by using less gas. Now I will turn off the lights when I`m done useing them, use less water, and use a other stuff. And if we don`t do the three Rs (reduse, reuse, and recycle) who knows what woyld happen!
Earth day is the day when everyone picks up trash to save the earth from the trash that is bad for things. We should care because we are christians and it takes twenty five years to dertirmulate. We can pick up trash to save the earth. We will take shorter showers and pick up trash. Ican help oters to get involved in earth day. I can also help other toknow God this way so they Know their is only one God.
On Earth Day I learned that if you plant a tree every year it will you will clean the air and will stop palution.
I care because if we do nothing about it it will come faster and the animals that God created willdie by oil spills and if the ozone layer will break and then the sun will melt the ice and it will floud the oceans. and if we run out out of trees the air would be paluted and we would have to wear a gas mask all the time.
To help the earth we can recycle paper,cans,and plastic. We can plant trees to clean the air and we can help other to do this by piking up trash in a local park with some friends and you can try to help no one can do everything but everyone can do something.
At my hows we are doing everything we can to save Gods world!!!
I learned alot about Earth Day yesterday. I learned that we need to always be conserving water and energy so global warming won't explode. If it explodes we will be in great need of God to help us. For global warming to explode we will need to pick up the trash that willcause the explotion. (And don't think there's a sucken zone to through your trash out that is in your car).
The changes I have made was to turn of the lights when we go in the hot tub. My parents would always have the TV on upstairs, but when they were on their way down stairs I told them to turn off the TV. Every time I get up my mom always turns off my radio.
I can tell other people about saving water and electricity by always turning of the lights when they are not using them and I can tell them all about Earth Day and the inportence of it. I can tell them some of the fun facts that I learned in shcool.
Earth Day was really fun to learn about because we did alot of activities and I know why they even have Earth Day.
I learend alot of how much we are distoing and how much we wast by the water we use and the bottles we don't recycle and just throgh on the ground and how much we don't care if theres pulution in the air and that we are responsible to help clean up the earth and leave it all distroyed and useless. We should care because if we don't help the earth it will be recreted at the time hwen other people come into the world and see it all trashed up and hard to breath and hard to find a place where animals will be able to live in there habbitats. And when we're distroing the Earth we are really distroing what God made for us because he wanted people on the Earth and were distroing what he oferd to us and were not thanking Him were just showing Him " We don't care what you gave us were going to do what we want to do with the Earth" and so we're not thanking Him at all we are just not being greatfull that we have at lest something because He was willing enough to give us this. We can get an group of people and pick up anything you see anywhere and pick it up. We can also recycle things so we don't just through it away. Some changes I'm going to do is recycle more and more stuff then just throuing it away. By saying " Hey do you wan't to help us make a difference and clean up with us."
I learned about recycleing, global warming,gas,warter,and pollion.Pollion they is a sheled around the earth and polloin is breaking it down so the sun is arsher.Gas will run out.So will can not dive so much.Take sort shower.Shut everythink off when you leave a room.You can go pick up garbeg.
I learned on earth day that people are littering and just not caring about Gods wonderful mcreation and people are putting bad fums into the ocean and the trees.And i also learned what we should do to keep Gods earth clene and this is ho you do it if you find trash just laying on the ground you should pick it up and through it away and you should anso recycle.Some changes that ill make at home is taking short showers and turning of the water while i brush my teeth,And i am going to try to remember to shut of the lights while i am not in a room, and i am going to unplug it if i am not using it.To help others help out too yo can tell them what to do on earth day or tell them what to do when they find trash just laying on the ground.You could also tell them how to recycle and what to recycle.We should care about Gods earth becouse he created nevery little thing . And every little creater and every tree you see and he ment for it to be clean but we ruend it.
Yesterday i learned what Earth day is all about it's about cleaning up the earth and the three R's reduce reuse recycle.
If we don't keep uor Earth clean we could have GLOBAL WARMING that would not be good then the animals that live in cold habitats would die.
We need to keep uor Earth clean so we don't have GLOBAL WARNING So we can recycle that means reuse things and not cut down trees, (trees purify the air) we need to stop wasting things and be more responsible God wants us to keep his creation nice and not let it rot.
I am going to make changes at home to like take shorter showers and turn the lights off when i go out of the room. It's just simple things that we can do to help. We can tell others about recycling and useing less water. That is what I learned about EARTH DAY!!!!!!!!
I learned on Earth Day yesterday that it is our duty to help make the world clean.I also learned that the polar bears are having to suffer because of us.They have to find hard ice to live on(there is rarely any ice where they live)because of our poluting.
I should care because God made his world special and the poor animals are having to suffer for what we did.
Keep helping others or yourself
to keep the world clean!I can recycle things,take short showers so fish don't have to suffer.
I can not polute,pick up litter and more.
I started to take 2 minute showers turn off lights when I am not in a room, and shutting of the water when i'm brushing my teeth.I can tell others about what we should do to keep the world clean.
Yesterday, what I learned about Earth Day was that I can do something to help the earth but I can't do everything but if even just a 100 people help out of 10 billion people they can still make a difference. If we clean up the earth we can have a earth that is not full of junk and a earth that is rotting. I should care about the earth because we don't want are grandchildren or great grand children to life in a dirty filthy world that they have to wearpecial suits. I should also care because God gave us this earth and we should take care of it beacuse he didn't have to give us a beutiful place to life but he did because he loves us so much. What I can do to help God's earth is to not litter, pick up trash, drive a car that uses part sun (so we don't destroy the ozone layer), and many other things to. We could also plant trees and plants to help clean our air and give us oxygen so we can breathe easier and have clean air. Some of the changes I will make at home are taking shorter showers and recycle things like bottles, glass, stirafoam, and other things that should be recycled. I already brush my teeth with turning on the water when I need it and off when I don't I also already shut the lights off and tv when I'm done using them. I can help others find out to by simple putting up signs or just telling them to go green and remember a lot of people going green = a green and brighter earth.
I learn that we should help the country to not to cut down the trees,and write an both side of the paper. And not to take long showers.
We can do is go and pick up trash that is on the groud,and so that animals will not get sick. And we can take little shower so that we will save water. And that how we can help GOd'seath. By telling them thing we learn , and help them not to litter. ANd that them that we all can save the eath by cleaning the city.
Nathan- what will happen if the earth doesn't look preaty?
Yesterday I learned that Earth Day started in 1970. I learned that one person can make a difference. You should care because God gave you a job, and that's to clean up the Earth. God made the Earth not only for you but for the animals, too. We pollute the World every day. We don't think about the animals or what THEY need. Animals die every day because of pollution. Think of the USS Arizona, we can't keep that in Pearl Harbor. Ya, it might be a monument and maybe a bunch of people died there but it's leaking oil which pollutes the ocean which kills animals. It was bombed in 1941 and it's been leaking oil for 68 years, well not quite because it was bombed on October 14,1941. It is polluting the ocean. They already took out part of it but not all of it. Why not just put it in a museum or something like that? That would help a lot more sea animals and sea birds. We saw what the bird looked like covered in oil. It can't fly like that and if it can't fly he eat and if he can't eat he can't live and if he can't live he can't keep the population of fish down and if he , oh whatever you get the point.
We can help God's Earth in many different ways. We can recycle things and take shorter showers or even take a bath.
I'm going to help the Earth. I'm going to start taking shorter showers. I'm going to start asking my mom if I can ride bike to school( I only live like 3 miles away.). I'm not the only one that can help, YOU CAN TOO!!!!!!!!!!
What I learned about Earth Day yesterday was that you really shouldnt litter because animals will die.We saw some pictures yesterday and the awsome world God created was like a dump yard.People should not leave the water running when your done brushing your teeth our washing your hands or taking a shower.And I learned that with all the pullushin in the air makes Globo Warming because on this video it showed a Polorbear in the middle of the ocean tring to get on an ice burg but the ice burg when he got on it it kept cracking so he had to find some land when he was in the middle of the ocean:(Why we should care about Earth Day is because us Christians should take care of this world God gave us.I mean how would we feel if we made an awsome land what if God just started throing trash every where that wouldnt be good so think of how he feels.What we cando to help the earth is to help pick up trash and dont leave the lights on the TV on what you should do is when ever you go to bad unplug everything in yor house.I heard this saying to save more water,'If its Yellow let it Mellow if its Brown flush it down:)What I will change to help the earth is to do that saying I just said and to not leave the TV on to turn the water off when im brushing my teeth.I can help people to help the earth by making sighns E-mailing people and a lot of other stuff.
I really like EARTH DAY!!!!!!
I learned that Earth Day is a day when everyone celabrates God's ceation.It is also the time we respect the earth by cleaning the litter on it and by stopping the palution.You should care about Earth Day because what if there wasn't an earth what if it was all black and you couln't breath, earth is the only planet with air and graity.It also matters to God because He made us and the earth.I can help God's earth by first of all picking up litter in your neighborhood, but it dosen't have to be in your neighborhood it can be on a walk or while your caming.You can also stop riding your car to school you could ride a bike or walk to school if you don't live far away from it.You can help others by telling them to Start taking short showers or something.
I learned about how impotant our world really is. God gave us this beautifle world and we are destroying it! It is our responsibility to keep it clean by not polluting and not littering. This is VERY important stuff not to do. We can make a change by recycling, not littering, buying recyclable water bottles, and STOP using too much electricity! When you're going out of a room turn every thing off.
I care about this because I CARE about the planet. I don't even litter. Yesterday we even picked up other people's trash!
I can help God's eath by doing my part.
I will make some changes in my life. I won't litter, and I won't take long showers. I am writing this blog to make people save the earth!
I learned that just by flushing the toilet we waste 4 to 5 gallons of water. We should take care of the earth because its our home and God wants us to take care of his creation. So you should care about earth and keeping it clean. All of us can help take care of the earth by brushing your teeth with the water off, if you have extra water from something ask your parents if you can water the plants with the extra water, we can all recycle things, and we can give our clothes that our to small to kids that need clothes.
I'm going to start unplugging things when I'm done with it, and start taking shorter showers or bathes. I can help others out by telling them to recycle, reuse, and reduse. Thats how I'm going to help keep the earth clean, and I hope you will hep out too.
I learned that we should be more careful with our usage of electricity, water and paper because we are killing and polluting a lot of different things. Also not to liter or pollute because it hurts the planet. We should start taking better care of this earth so we can do what God expects us to do. Take care of what he made. We could do a lot of things to help our earth including recycling, not littering because yesterday we went around the school picking up trash and we found a lot of littered trash. Take care of our world so we can live in a better place. I'm going to help by not using so much electricity or water, I'll try to pick trash off the ground, and I'm not going to litter. You should help to, it's cool.
I learned a lot of things about Earth Day yesterday. There are many things that you never think about that you should. I learned that a ton of recycled paper saves SEVENTEEN trees. We need trees because all of the pollution in our air like things from cars and trains. Well, trees clean our air and give us good and clean oxygen to breath in during you every day lives. Some people think that enough people are trying to save the earth so they can pollute it and other people can clean it. It's not supposed to be that way. Everybody has to take their part to save the planet. Everybody has to love this amazing world... right? So if you do try to save it and tell others about it. There is something called global warming. Global Warming is when the ozone layer is breaking down. The Ozone Layer is like a protective sheild that protects us from getting too much heat from the sun. The layer can break down by too much because of all of the pollution that us humans give off just so life is easier for us. Many polar bears have no homes because of Global Warming because the icebergs are melting.
There are SO many things that YOU can do to help, and you don't even realize it. You can pick up garbage outside,(which is what we did yesterday in school and there is a lot more garbage around our school than I thought.)you can recycle, you can even do the simplest things like just turning off the lights or TV when you're not in the room. When you are in the shower you can turn the water off when you're shampooing. When you're brushing you're teeth don't leave the water on when you're brushing, turn it off. Instead of driving to a place closeby, if it is a nice enough day walk there. So if you live close enough to school you can walk or bike. That can do so much for the Ozone Layer because of all the pollution cars give off. You can plant a garden in you're backyard.
I have made a promise to myself that I would do whatever it takes so make sure our planet is clean and so the next generations don't have to work their way through garbage to get around. What else you can do is to team up with some freinds, because not just one person can save our planet but if more and more people try to save this amazing world that God gave us, we can accually make a difference.I hope that whoever reads this will think about how much they can help.
Spencer i like how you remembered that earth day started in 1970.
Dejay, have you been doing the things you said, or are you just telling others and that Eath Day is no big deal to you?Lastly do you take short showers?Do you take good showers.
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