
Tell me what it means to fix our eyes on Jesus, and how we can do this? When can this be really hard to always fix our eyes on Jesus? And what can we do when it gets hard?
Help to encourage others to fix their eyes on Jesus, tell them what it means to in YOUR life.
Write two good paragraphs telling me about Fixing Your Eyes on Jesus. Let me know of any Bible verses that come to mind!
It means to look to him in hard times. It also means to follow his path. It is really hard when people tease you or tempt you. It is the most hard when the Devil is tempting us. we can always look to our map of God's path (the bible). It tells us how to follow him and the right way through hard times.
Hebrews 12:1-2 says "Let us run with peserverence the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus the author and perfector of our faith". Or in other words we need to go to him and fix our eyes on him who is our ultimate goal. To go to heaven is our goal. He will guide us to him.
We have been learning about fixing our eyes on Jesus. To fix our eyes on Jesus is about staying on the right path. NEVER EVER take short cuts. I know it is a habbit, but it is not right. Make sure that you keep your eye on the goal.
It can be hard to keep our eyes on him when we are being tempted. We can always back off of the them. I encourage you to keep your eyes on the goal. It means that you shall never try to give in. you should stomp on the devil's head when things in life get tough.This is what I think about fixing your eyes on Jesus.
It means we are concantrating on Jesus instead of being distracted by other things. It also means we are taking the right path and going to heaven. We can fix our eyes on Jesus by praying, reading the bible, and going to church. If we do all those things God will help us reach heaven. Another way is to trust and have faith in him.
If we trust and have faith in him we will be crushing the devils head. It can be hard when someone who doesn't love Jesus is teasing you about worshiping Jesus. It can also be hard when people around you are doing bad things and you know God doesn't wan't you to do those things. Another time when it can get hard is when everything is going great and you think you don't need Jesus. When it does get hard we can go to Jesus in prayer and ask him to take every thing thats tepting us out of our minds.
It means that we need to keep on Gods path. It also means that we have to try to not be temtated by the Devle. We can do this by reading the Bible, praying, and being cind to others This can be vary hard when you are being temted by people. Also when you want to take short cuts you gei of God's path.
I want to help other people to fix there eyes on Jesus. By incureging them to do the right thing. I also whant to help people not to take short cuts. This means to me that we can all trust in Jesus.
Lee how can you take shotcuts?
Lashae I like how you icluded the bible verse.
Lashae, do like how we have to fix our eyes on Him?
To fix your eys on Jesus meens to not take the rong path and to notdo the rong things. It also meens to keep your path straight.We can do it were ever we want,when we want to. its sometimes hard to do this.I now its hard to do it if your mabie invited to a party.If your freinds are forcing you to do somthing that you dont want to do it.
We can always pray to God if were in tauf times like that. We can also ask God for help in your prayer.Mabie in your prayer you could ask for forgivness if you took your eys of of him.It woild also be a time to ask for help if someone jokes you about going to church or something like that.
What things should we take out and put in our lives Logan?
Lee I just love your paragraphs
Mason I like how you want to help people fix there eyes on Jesus.
To fix your eyes on Jesus is to NOT go off his path. By taking shortcuts in life, such a cheeting on a test is going off Jesus's path. It can be hard to follow Jesus when people are tesing us about it, but you can walk away and go pray.
If you see somone being picked on because of their religon go over and help that person. The main
reason the pilgrims came to America was because in other countrys they coudn't worship God.
To me it means alot to be a chistain, why? So that when we die our souls can go to heaven.
PSALM 56:1-2
What it means to fix our eyes on Jesus is to keep on track of not sining. But every once in a wile we sin. We can fix our eyes on Jesus by going to church, reading the bible and going to crisctin schools. It can be hard to be a crisctin when people tease ou of being one.
it is also hard when you think you don`t think you nead god. Its also hard when youdont read the bible or go to church. When it gets hard read the bible. Also try to stay away from bad stuff. If your strugling I bet you will get out of that bad time. When we get ther (heaven) it will be awsome! Thats what it means in my life.
When you fix your eyes on Jesus it means to look to him when bad things are happening. We can fix our eyes on Jesus by reading the bible and praying. We can also be good in everything we do. It can be hard to fix our eyes on Jesus when life is going good. It also can be hard to fix your eyes on Jesus when your friends are tempting you to do something that is bad.
When it gets hard to fix our eyes on Jesus you can pray. Also when it gets hard to fix your eyes on Jesus you can read the bible and ask God into our hearts. What it means in my life is when I fix my eyes on Jesus life goes almost really goog. So I just incourage all of you to fix your eyes on Jesus. It is sometimes hard to fix our eyes on Jesus.
You can take short cuts by not following what God wants us to do.
We have been learning about fixing our eyes on Jesus and that means we should always be foucused on Jesus not on the Devil or anything else. We should always have all of are focuse on that goal to get to Jesus even though thDevil is temting us and making us follow him. We can do this by resisting Satines temtation. It can be hard to tell other people that they should be foucused on Jesus if they are telling you that there is know such thing.
When it gets hard you can just turn away and pray to God that he could teach thoses boys bye takling to them threw the Bible. When I think of lifting my eyes upon Jesus to sing and pray and read his holy word.
What it means to me to Fix our eyes on Jesus us that there is a path that you have to follow and that you have to avoid those other paths of temptation. It means that there is a fork in the road and you have to choose which one to follow. If you follow the right one you will go to heaven if you don't you will end out in the woods somewhere. Sometimes it is hard to do that 'cause' you may have a lot of temptation because you don't go to a Christian school.
When it gets hard you just have to ask God for help so that you can follow the right path, the path to heaven. If you follow that path you will make it to heaven and have eternal life. It can be hard in many other ways. When you get into temptation there is always a shortcut and there is always a right way. Most of the time you take the shortcut because you might not want to be picked on because you didn't do this or didn't do that, that's when God comes in. He will tell you that it's not what others think about you it's about what God thinks about you.
We can fix our eyes on Jesus by looking to him. To not lei. To be nice. It is realy hard when we are tempted. It is also hard when we are mad or sad.
When it gets hard you can look towards heaven. You can also think about what it's like in heaven.It meens to me that you have to be calm. Just keep ypur eyes on Jessu!
Mason what does it mean to keep on God's path?
Fixing our eyes on Jesus means to focus on Jesus. Dont take shortcuts in life ,fix your eyes on Jesus. It some times can be hard to always fix our eyes on Jesus like if someone is teasing you that you believe in Jesus. It also can be hard if your life is perfect and you dont need anything help.
When it gets hard pray to God because He will help you. You can also look up to Jesus and ask Him for help. In my life ,fixing my eyes on Jesus means ,to look up to the Lord for help and to never take shortcuts in life, always fallow Jesus.
LaShae why is it most hard when the devil tempts us?
It means to lok up to him.Don't fall in to the devi's hand.Read the God's book.Go to church.When you lose a family member.When lifes going good.Still Pray to God.
You could take them to church.Give a defoshen to them.Pray with them.You will go to heaven.
We are going to be in chaple on Monday and we're going to talk about how to fix our eyes on Jesus. How do we fix our eyes on Jesus? We can fix our eyes on Jesus by praying and reading the bible. Reading the bible is the path to heaven. We don't want to stray from God's path.
Sometimes it can be hard to follow His path. Expecialy when someone is hurting you or bulling you. When it gets hard you should pray to God. He is the only God.
Eliza I like all your details.
What it means to fix our eyes on Jesus is that say that there is three path ways lne going to the left,one going to the right,and there is one going straight up to Heaven I would take the one to Heaven thats what it means to me.When it is really hard to fix our eyes on Jesus is when people are temting you to do something like you at a party and your friends are telling you,"Come man take a little smoke Know one will tell and know one will know" thats what it means when its hard to fix our eyes on Jesus.When it gets hard to fix our eyes on Jesus (This is our groups theme)you should try to take time and pray so you dont keep thinking im going to get tempted but God will answer your prayers.What it means in my life is that never take shortcuts and always keep your eyes on Gods path thats what it means to me.Ill tell you two really good verses for tis years theme Heb.12:1+2 and Ps.121:1+2!
Fixing your eyes on Jesus means to obey him and just know what he says is good. We can fix our eyes on Jesus by going to church, reading the bible and, by praying. Another way is to trust in Him and know that He knows what He's doing. It can be really hard to fix our eyes on Jesus during temptation and hard times. In hard times it can be hard to fix your eyes on Jesus because your probaly like why did you do this Lord.
When it gets hard we just have to trust in the Lord. Sometimes it's hard to trust in Him espcielly when your freinds are forcing you not to. Fixing your eyes on is a lot of help in rough times. I feel so comforted know that he is by my side. You should too.
Every yaer in my school there is a theme verse that we have and memorize. I think it is cool how I get to go to a Christian school. This year in school our theme verse is "Let us run with perserverance, the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and protecter of our faith." Heb. 12:1-2. That is an awsome verse to me and I like it very much. Fixing your eyes on Jesus means to depend on JESUS when there is bad times. We can do this by not worrying so much about things and know that God is always in control. Sometimes, it can be hard to do this. It is really hard because we sometimes forget that God is so powerful. We can pray to God and ask him for help when it does get hard. If God did what you prayed for, praise him for being so powerful!
Fixing your eyes on Jesus is so important for other people to do. It is important because God does everything and sometimes we take credit for what he did. Fixing your eyes on Jesus is very important in my life because if I did not depend on God, I wouldn't realize that all the things that happen in life are done by GOD!! God is so amazing that ALL of us should fix our eyes on Jesus. So if you always thought that you did all the things that happened in your life, it was acually God that did everything!!! Thats how fixing your eyes on JESUS is SO important to everybody!
To fix your eyes on Jesus means to let Him into our life and take the path to God. It also means to not stray from our path tword Jesus. We can fix our eyes on Jesus by reading the bible, praying, and choosing the path that will lead us to God in Heaven. When you are on your path to heaven sometimes you need to go out of your way to help others. Doing the right thing and taking the path to heaven can be hard If others that do not belive in God are telling you you do not need him. When that happens we must pray and read the bible to stay faithful. When it gets Hard to follow God you have to trust in him even more.
When you go out of your way to help others you could also help them belive in God. You can give them a bible and read it with them. You could also bring them to church. When you help somone like this God likes it a lot. It can be hard to help another person understand God ,but then we need to pray aboutit. If you pray then God will answer.
We've been talking alot about fixing our eyes on JESUS! It means like to not look at a different path look and follow God's path.We can do this by helping somebody up when they get hurt.Also let people play with you.Sometimes it gets tough to fix our eyes on Jesus beacause some people say oh don't let him play.You could just ignore those people and do what you think God would want you to do.You should encourage others to fix their eyes on Jesus.You should tell them what it means to fix our eyes on Jesus that will make them to see how fun it is and they will pass it on and on.Then everbody will how to fix our eyes on Jesus. I like fixing my eyes on Jesus it's AWSOME!!! THE END
Good paragrph LaShae. I like how you included the bible verse and what it means.
It means to follow his ways always.We can read the bible a ton .When lifes all goodyou shuld pray. When tragity happens you should trust that they would go to heaven. when you have people bothering you pray for them.
we can pray to GODthat things will get better. You can read the bibleand pray a lot more than ussal. You can confess your sins to god.READ THE HOLY BIBLE always. IT MEANS TO LOVE JESUS AS MY SAVIOR AND YOUR SAVIOR forever.
I like how you included our theme Bible verse La Shae.
Logan I like your paragraph about crushing the Devil's head.
Fixing our eyes on Jesus means to focus our eyes on the Lord!It can be hard to fix our eyes on Jesus when life is going good,when wicked people tease you that you go to church every Sunday and stuff like that.It can also be hard to fix our eyes on Jesus when someone you love dies!When stuff like that happens we have to look to the Lord,read the Bible,pray,
and try to not lose your temper
beacause God always knows what's best for you and I!Fixing my eyes on Jesus helps comfort me in many ways,one of them is it helps me remember that I am in God's thrown!And it also helps me remember that what God does is always going to be for a reason!I hope everyone who reads this poem is going to fix there eyes on Jesus!
These are some good Bible verses that help us fix our eyes on Jesus!Galation 3:1,Matthew 17:8,Hebrews 4:13,Revoulation 1:7,1 Peter 3:12,Luke 2:30,Luke 4:20,and Luke 10:23!
I like how you included a verse Lashae
Good job DEjay from Chase
Good job DEjay from Chase
Logan what distractive things?
To fix your eyes means to love him and to keep his commandments. We can fix our eyes by reading the bible and by prayer. When it getshard to fix your eyes your eyes on jesus pray to God and ask for strenth and for faith. that is what it meansto fix our eyes on jesus!
When we fix our eyes on Jesus we are looking to him for help, we are reling on him for help.To fix our eyes on Jesus we can pray to him before a big test, and when somone is being teased around ask him for courage to stand up for
that kid.
Whe it gets hard in life,what do we do? We fix our eyes on Jesus.
You know how when it gets tuff in life and you just want to do what you feel like doing, thats when
you reli on God to help you.Fixing
my eyes on Jesus has helped me alot in life, but the one thing it has helped me the most is geting closer with God.Oh, and one more thing, keep reading your bible.
Mattea, What does it mean to take shortcuts to you?
Spencer, I liked how you showed the choices you had to take
We are doing chaple on Monday. We are going to talk about fixing our eyes on Jesus. How do we fix our eyes on Jesus? We can fix our eyes on Him by reading the bible. We can also pray.
It can be hard too. Expecialy when someone is bullying you. And when they are hurting you. you have to trust God. Pray for help.
Fix our eyes on Jesus means to go to God in hard times. And God can help you in hard times. We can do this is ask Jesus for help. And we can ask God to forgivness. It can be hard to fix our eyes on Jesus is when a famliy mender dies. It can be hard to fix you eyes on Jesus in hard times.
We can do when it gets hard to fix our eyes on Jesus is to get to believe in him. It is not hard it fix our eyes on Jese you can ask jesus into your heart. It was hard to fix my is on Jesus like when my great grandpa die it as hard for my to fix my eyes on Jesus.
It means to follow his ways always.We can read the bible a ton .When lifes all goodyou shuld pray. When tragity happens you should trust that they would go to heaven. when you have people bothering you pray for them.
we can pray to GODthat things will get better. You can read the bibleand pray a lot more than ussal. You can confess your sins to god.READ THE HOLY BIBLE always. IT MEANS TO LOVE JESUS AS MY SAVIOR AND YOUR SAVIOR forever.
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