
Aslan and Jesus

We just finished reading the Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe. Aslan made a huge sacrifice without complaining- and we connected that to Jesus, our saviour.

I want you to tell me why Aslan had to die. Tell me why Jesus had to die. The explain both of their deaths- where did they die, who killed them, what were the people saying?

Then explain to me what happened after Aslan and Jesus were dead? Why did this happen, and why are we SO thankful to GOd that this happened to Jesus??


What makes you say "God is AWESOME" today?

The weather is slowly changing, the birds are slowing coming out, the grass is slowly emerging! The beauty of the changing seasons is slowly coming upon us!

We just got finished reading about Narnia who never gets SPRING! Spring should always remind you of God's power!

We noticed in math how all of the numbers line up, are in perfect order, and everything works out perfectly. We read about the human body, and how God made every organ, system, and muscle to work together perfectly. God has everything planned out before time, he knows what you are going to have for supper tonight!

How cool!Tell me what makes you in AWE of God today.......


Who are the HEROS in our lives?

We working on our reports on Courageous Christians,
our novel, "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe,"
and our study on Jesus' sacrifice at Easter.
Let's take some time to talk about heroes!
In 3 or more sentences, tell me what a hero is. List 4 or more characteristics of a hero.
How was Aslan a hero in "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe?"
How is Jesus a hero to you?How are Aslan and Jesus similar?
How are they different?
Tell me in 3 or more sentences who is a hero to you, and what makes them a hero?
How can you be a hero to someone?


Harriet Tubman

4th graders, this week was Harriet Tubman day. We spend a bit of time discussing her life, and how she lived. Describe what her childhood was like. Then what choice did she have to make when she was an adult. Tell me about everything that she accomplished!

Tell me why you admire Harriet Tubman.

What fruits of the SPirit did Harriet live according to?!

Be sure and write in complete sentences!


Fruit of the Spirit

We have been talking a lot about the Fruits of the spirit.

What are all nine of the fruits?

Why did God give us this great example? What did he want us to learn by the lesson of the Fruit of the SPirit? WHy do you think God wants us to live according to the fruits?

What are we do when we see someone not living by the fruits?

Explain what it means to live by the fruits?

What does the Bible say will happen if we live according to the Fruits of the Spirit!?


God's made our bodies amazingly!!

We are studying the human body right now! We are talking about how awesome it is that God created everything to work together, and run so smoothly! He thought of every detail in our body! Write a few sentences about what you think is simply the most amazing part of our body that God thought of. Discuss some of the systems in our body (respiratory, circulatory, digestive, skeletal, and muscular) and how they work!

Then thank God for thinking about details in our body that we never would have thought of!