
WE can save the earth!

Recycle city:

Earth games:

Today is EARTH DAY celebration day!!!!
Tell me about WHY YOU SHOULD CARE?
Tell me what things you can do to help God's earth!?
Explain some of the changes you have made at home!


Blue Willow

Where does Janey live? Why is she living there? How does she feel about her life there? Explain the significance of "the plate."

Write a brief summary of Janey's experience at school.

Write 10-13 sentences about how you would feel if you were Janey in this story!


Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe movie/book

We just finished watching the movie "The Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe."

I want you to think about the similarities/differences that you wrote down on your blue sheets.

Journal what you liked/disliked about the book, and about the movie. And discuss at least 5 differences, and 5 similarites.

Write a concluding paragraph about which you enjoyed better, and WHY!



We are just finishing our reports on Courageous Christians, our novel, "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe," and our study on Jesus' sacrifice at Easter. Let's take some time to talk about heroes!

In 3 or more sentences, tell me what a hero is. List 4 or more characteristics of a hero.

How was Aslan a hero in "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe?" How is Jesus a hero to you?
How are Aslan and Jesus similar? How are they different?

Tell me in 3 or more sentences who is a hero to you, and what makes them a hero?

How can you be a hero to someone?


Fruits of the Spirit!

What are the Fruits of the Spirit? (Please list them also)
In 5 or more sentences, tell me what does it mean to live according to the Fruits of the Spirit?

What does God tell us will happen if we live according to our sinful nature?
What does God tell us will happen if we livea ccording ot the Spirit?

What verse in the Bible helps remind us to keep living according to the Fruits of the Spirit? What Does that verse mean?

How do you personally live by the SPirit? Where do you struggle?